Monday, 21 July 2008


Hooray the tablecloth is finished and hanging on the line. I'm sort of happy with it. Wish I had totally planned the pattern before I started and not just found the centre and got stitching. I hope Ted and Eliz will like it anyway.

I found a half finished, forgotton crochet project earlier today. Its a bag made from crocheted squares. I started it on the train to Liverpool a few weeks ago and have done 9 out of 16 squares so far. The yarn is variagated blue and green cotton called Eko. It looks very cute but I dont have a photo yet.

Instead here is a pic of a cushion cover I finished a while ago. The pattern is from Erika Knight's Essential Crochet - one of my favourite books.

Sunday, 20 July 2008

harvest lunch

We dug up some spuds today at the allotment. Also picked some courgettes, broad beans and carrots and then cooked them all with a roast chicken for lunch. Blackberry and strawberry crumble cake for pudding. Very yummy. The tablecloth is almost finished. Can't wait to wash it and see what it looks like all lovely and ironed and clean. Em likes sitting on it so its a bit grubby. Its also grubby from me sewing it with sticky chocolate cake fingers! I'm already thinking about the next project. Definitely knitting - I've had enough sewing to last me a while. I have about 10 things queued on Ravelry but I might ignore those and make a cardigan for my friends little girl. Not much time for gardening today, but I did manage to cut the grass. This is my back garden a few weeks ago. Please ignore the piles of rubbish :-)

Thursday, 17 July 2008


I ordered wireless internet... cant wait until it gets here. Hopefully it should make the whole process easier. At the moment the last thing I want to do when I get home after sitting all day in front of a screen is to set up my laptop!
Yesterday was allotment day. I have had a plot with some friends for 4 years. This year we have taken on a second plot. Here is how it looked a couple of weeks ago...
It's a meadow!!
To be honest, it doesnt look a whole lot better now, but we will be there on Sunday with our strimmer.
It comes with a free shed :-)

Monday, 14 July 2008


Here it is then I had some problems with the photo - I just have a point and click digital camera and I think it was on the wrong setting for close ups. Never mind, you can see the general idea.

The pattern is adapted from a Hardanger embroidery book I inherited from my great aunt Dorothy. I sort of made it up and took bits from different patterns in the book as I went along. I think you can tell that if you see the whole thing!

Sunday, 13 July 2008

making things....

.... that includes knitting, crochet and sewing!
I'm working on a tablecloth at the moment. It was for my brother's wedding but he went and got married too quick so I'm sewing madly to get it finished in time for the party. Show you a photo next time.
In the meantime here is a pic of em. She doesn't like posing for photos :-(